I love Saturday mornings. I try to get an early start on the day. I am looking forward to this weekend because I have no plans or obligations…which is very unusual in our lives. We plan to work on things around the house. The biggest priority is planting our flowers on our deck and front porch. I can’t wait to put up our hanging baskets on our front porch. To me, that is the sure sign that summer has arrived. I’ll post pictures later today.
Edited: We spent all day digging, planting, and buying more plants. We’re exhausted. I had to do most of the heavy lifting because DH is still recovering from hernia surgery. DD was, for the most part, a little saint as we both did not have time to entertain her all day. She helped us plant flowers…she was a little trooper. At one point, she disappeared for awhile, which is not a good thing for a 4 year old, and emerged with a completely new outfit on…the only thing is that she forgot to wear pants! We were so immersed in our ‘getting it done gardening’ that we let her parade around the yard with just her shirt and panties on.
I have come to the realization, with the help of DH, that I love the ‘concept’ or idea of gardening…but when it comes to the actual work of it…I don’ like it at all. For me, I like the finished product, there isn’t much joy in the process or journey of getting there.
Now for some fun….we are rewarding ourselves with a movie tonight, Shreck 3. Unfortunately the reviews weren’t that great…but I’m sure DD will love it. http://www.shrek.com/main.html
Now for some fun….we are rewarding ourselves with a movie tonight, Shreck 3. Unfortunately the reviews weren’t that great…but I’m sure DD will love it. http://www.shrek.com/main.html