So called Dan tonight and he said when he and Olivia got home she asked where I was. Dan said Mommy is in NYC. Then apparently she looked up at him and said, “I want someone home to take care of me.” Dan replied, well Daddy is here to take care of you. Olivia then said, “well I just want my Mommy to take care of me.” Ahhh, so sweet.
I hesitate even sharing this because if by chance there are any “working mom” bashers out there reading my blog….I’m in real trouble. I know Olivia is in good hands, if not great hands, with her Dad. Though I have to say, it fills my heart knowing that sometimes she just prefers her Mommy. It’s no secret that I often say that I think Dan is a better Mom than I …. so it’s nice to hear from the babe herself that sometimes she just wants her “Mommy” to take care of her.