I thought I’d share a few pictures of my scrapbooking / computer room. I recently moved everything from the spare bedroom to the room above the garage. Now the spare bedroom is a real bonifide guest bedroom…while this room is now our (Dan and my) playroom. Olivia loves hanging out here to. I just push that little table (which used to be a kitchen butcher block) out from under my craft island and she has her own little table to draw pictures and color. She’s a little artist, aways making up little stories and pretend writing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she grows up to be a writer of some sort. This child loves to read and make up stories. I love my little corner of the world, I’d say I spend most of my evenings in here…unfortunately which leave the rest of my house neglected. But who cares….we all work hard, everyone deserves a little playtime of their own, right?