I started a new program called, Active Duty Fitness for Women. It’s an exercise program for women in my neighborhood. We meet from 6-7am in the morning at a nearby part and work our little (or big) hinney’s off. It’s a great way to start the day and I have to admit it does feel good to get the exercise ‘to do’ off the list first thing in the morning, so I don’t burden myself with guilt for ultimately being too tired to get on that darn treadmill every evening. We meet 4 days a week. Grant it, this was my very first Monday and I already dread the thought of waking up early tomorrow. I will have to get used to going to bed earlier then usual..which will be hard because I’ve morphed into a night owl since Olivia was born…seeing that the hours between 9pm and midnight are really the only time to do things like scrapbooking/playing on the computer/watching movies, etc… Well, I’ve always wanted to be the type of person who woke up early to exercise and get a start on the day….keeping fingers crossed that I’ll be able to stay committed to this. I know I will (a little positive thinking never hurt anyone, LOL)!
