Friday we went over to Teresa and Andy’s for a yummy Salmon dinner…’girl can that woman cook!”. We had a nice time exchanging Christmas gifts. Olivia is a very lucky little girl, because now she has two bikes…one at our house and one to stay at Aunt Teresa’s house so she has a bike to ride there as well.
Saturday we took Olivia to see The Snow Child at Classika Theater. It was really well done and Olivia loved the show.
Later that evening Ms.Katelyn’s, Olivia’s teacher who is leaving for overseas, came over to watch Olivia and all her friends, while we went out to celebrate Hav’s birthday. It was a nice evening out. It was great seeing everyone after being gone for the holidays. All the kids had a great time with Ms.Katelyn and enjoyed seeing her one last time before leaving.
Sunday, I met Amy and Jen for a 3.5 mile run. Later, Dan and Olivia met up with everyone to go see the Chipmunk movie.
The rest of Sunday was devoted to taking down all the Christmas decorations and purging our storage area. We were so exhausted by the end of the evening…we could hardly walk! I took out everything that I either want to donate, sell, or trash. Now I have a huge pile that I can’t even see over in the corner of our downstairs. I’m just going to go through one box every day…no pressure. Just slowly purge all the $*%&^…where does all this stuff come from? I swear I’m never buying a single thing ever again….I am in the mood to get rid of everything! It feels so nice though to be able to walk through our storage area and to do laundry without bumping into a tower of boxes waiting to fall on your head.
I’ve been working on my, “Got Paint” class at Big Picture Scrapbooking, this week. I wish I had more energy to play with all my art/craft things, but between getting up at 5:30am for my exercise class, working, running , dinner, playing with Olivia, bath time, laundry, purging downstairs boxes, writing in my blog, checking other blogs, checking email, I am just so tired by 10pm…I must just be getting old! I used to be able to stay up really late…not anymore! Oh well, tomorrow is another day.