Mommy, I have a bead stuck in my ear.” This is what Olivia told me while driving home from gymnastics yesterday. I thought she was just teasing me, but when I got home and inspected her ear, sure enough there was a little green bead stuck in there. Luckily, Dan is very good with things like that and he had a pair of long nose tweezers and was able to grab the little bead after a few tries (while I held the flashlight).

Apparently she said she was playing with a bead during nap time and put it in her ear for ‘safe keeping’. Little did she know, it would get stuck in there. I asked her why she didn’t tell her teacher and she said she was afraid they would call the doctor, LOL! I guess I have to work on her about not being afraid of the doctor…although I can see why since the last time she went they gave her 4 shots!