Friday night, Olivia woke up sick. Took her to the doctor Saturday morning and found out she has a massive ear infection, poor baby. So this weekend was spent inside helping Olivia feel better. By Sunday afternoon she was back to herself, as evident in this picture…..she loves to sit at her little craft table and draw/paint/cut up paper when I scrapbook. It’s a perfect little set-up and we love spending time together making stuff.
Even though she’s totally into Hannah Montana, I’m glad to see that being a princess is still top on her list. I don’t want her to grow up too soon!
So I have to say that running widget that I added totally makes me feel guilty if I haven’t ran every time I open up this blog. So not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Thinking about moving it down the page so it’s not staring me down! I have no problem running with friends, but running by myself on the treadmill just totally sucks and is so hard to get motivated to do!