Lookie what I can do. I’ve been trying to learn Photoshop Elements for a very long time. I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. I just purchased the upgrade to Elements and look what I did. Coolio! I used two separate ‘actions’ that I finally figured out how to use in the software program to alter this photo….giving it a vintage dreamy look (or at least I think so!)

I also just finished taking an on-line course by Adrienne Looman, called Artistic Edge, for a very reasonable price. It was a month long program (a new lesson every other day) that taught me more about how to alter Photo’s in Photoshop then researching the program on my own for two years! If you’re interested in getting the most out of your Photoshop Elements, I highly recommend the course! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5133519&order=&section_id=&page=2