I have been inspired lately to try my hand at embroidery. Especially after I saw this lovely little scene by Danielle Thompson, http://thompsonfamily.typepad.com/thompson_familylife/.

And this….see more of her creations here, http://flickr.com/photos/hillarylang/sets/72157594158833353/
So after a few practice stitches, this was my first attempt. The book you see, Sublime Stitching, is excellent. It also has a lot of cute little patterns in the back. I also had the idea of using my stamps to stamp on the fabric to be a guide for stitching. That worked well. Of course I have a long way to go before I get to the point of that pillow case…but one can dream! It was actually fun and relaxing; besides it gave my hands something to do so I won’t get the late night munchies, LOL!

P.S. – Tammy, you’re not allowed to look at the back of my embroidery stitches! (inside joke!)

Remember this? Well I finally finished it. All those cross stitches to bind the paper squares together took forever. It’s now at AC Moore being framed. What you don’t see in this picture is at each corner I stitched a blue, green or hot pink button. So I am matting it in hot pink and cream with a black frame. I hope it looks good because I plan to hang it in my dining room. This was a fun project and instead of stuffing it my creations into a scrapbook, this one will hang on our wall!

Went to Target after dinner tonight and found these two little treasures. The binders are from the dollar spot, can’t beat that! They are perfect for housing my clear stamps in.

Then I found this little bag which is perfect for my new found obsession…trees! You’ll see from my above embroidery post that round thing is a tree from a set of stamps I bought awhile ago…so totally cute! They have all their Spring clothes and shoes out for little girls. Of course, couldn’t resist picking up some adorable little sandals and a few cute outfits for Olivia. Got to love Target!! Well it’s is almost 2am…I suppose I should go to bed.