Our precious little buddy of 14 years passed away in the wee hours of the morning today. Jazz was Dan and my first ‘child’. He was the runt of the litter at the pet store in Pittsburgh where we bought him. I was the one who convinced Dan to bring him home. Dan and I shared many found memories of Jazz last night after he passed. He was our little buddy and we will miss him dearly.

This picture was just taken Sunday night when we were giving him a bath. We didn’t realize until then how thin he had gotten and he just didn’t seem like his ‘ole self. So we had an appointment with the vet this morning. Unfortunately it was too late and he passed away very suddenly around 3am this morning. Although it was very hard, Dan and I are thankful that we had brought him to our bed last night and he woke us up with a little meow…about one hour later he passed away in our arms.

Olivia is doing fine. Children are very resilient. Jazz was more Dan’s pet then mine or Olivia’s. He never really warmed up to Olivia since I’m sure he viewed her as taking his place. Although, goodness she tried to cuddle Jazz…he didn’t really want to have anything to do with that.

He was a part of our family for over 14 years. He had a good life, but we will miss him.