I am reminded of this post http://bestrongcalmgrateful.blogspot.com/2007/08/am-i-really-going-to-be-runner.html when I think back and am in complete amazement that I have run quite a few races now and do consider myself a runner. Never in a million years did I think I would ever run more than 1 mile at a time, much less a 10k.

Tammy, Jen, Amy and I ran in the Ashburn Village 10k last Sunday. I can’t believe I made it…it was very hard, but I kept running and didn’t stop once!

We are all working up to our 10 mile Army race in October! A 10k is just over 6 miles….I hope I can do 4 more. That is my only new year’s resolution…is to run a 10 mile race and finish without stopping. I’m not focused on time yet….for me it’s all about just finishing. Maybe next year, I’ll focus on time….but one thing at a time!