I am so proud of Amy and I. We ran our fastest 5k so far…Amy was at 30.19 seconds and I was at 30.21 seconds. My fastest5k up until now was 33 minutes. We ran the Claude Moore race this morning. One word describes it…MUD! It rained the night before and drizzled this morning…making the trail one big mud pit! Although Amy and I both agree that jumping over the puddles and mud holes distracted us enough to push through the pain and keep running at our faster than normal pace (pace average 9 minutes 46 seconds).

After we finished we looked like we came home from a war…mud all up and down our legs. Me in my glasses (had contact problems this morning) all fogged up and rained on. Amy’s mascara running down her face, LOL! My poor shoes went straight to the washing machine when I got home.

It was a GREAT run! Lovin it!