It was a busy weekend for us, a combination of fun activities and ending on Monday with Dan and I running errands and getting things ready for the week since I travel this week and next, so lots to do.
Trudi took Olivia last night for a few days. Trudi said when Olivia woke up this morning she said, that she was going to party at Aunt Trudi and Uncle Jan’s house since Mommy and Daddy weren’t there! LOL.
Here are a few pictures of our projects this weekend….
Planted our flowers on the front porch and back. Dan and Olivia always plan the hanging baskets that go on our front porch together every year.
We were very happy to see that tour knock out roses survived the winter and they look even better then they did last year when we planted them.
Me, doing my part! We finally took down the wire that was surrounding this area of the yard. The previous owners must have had a garden or something. We have lived with this awful mass of weeds for so long…I’m glad that we finally tore it all up!