Today is the last day that my little girl is four! Tomorrow, she will be five. Where has the time gone? It’s a question most parents ask, but really, where has it gone? It seems like yesterday that we brought home our 8 pound 7 oz bundle home from the hospital. She loves to hear stories of when she was a baby, so tonight at dinner we shared a ton with her.
This is such a cute age and they say the darndest things. She told me today, while working in the garden, that since she’s going to turn 5 tomorrow, that she thinks she’ll need to go out and get a job now to be able to buy things. We were pulling weeds and I said, “maybe she could have that as a job and every weed she pulls, I’ll pay her a nickel.” Not sure if she bought that or not…I think I’ll have to find another weed picker. She was actually quite upset that we were pulling weeds, because she said they were green and beautiful, just like her last name.
I can’t even believe she’s going to be starting Kindergarten in the Fall. We ask her all the time to stop growing and to stay our baby forever. She always replies, “Mom, I just can’t help growing.”
Our post pictures tomorrow of our new little 5 year old!