At our neighborhood pool, kids are required to be ‘tested’ before they are allowed to jump off the diving board. The requirements are that they need to swim the entire length of the pool and tread water for one minute.

Well, Olivia decided that last Sunday would be the day. Dan and I both didn’t think she would be able to do it since we have practiced with her before and each time she floundered. Well, little did we know, that once Olivia makes up her mind to accomplish something, she’s bound and determined to succeed!

The lifeguard said go…and off she went. She struggled with her freestyle a bit in the middle of the pool, but than she just flipped over and finished the rest of the way doing the back stroke. She also completed her one minute treading water. We were so proud of her! Way to go Olivia…our future swimming champion. She received a little patch….indicating she’s officially certified to go off the diving board, LOL.

This is her first jump! Can you believe her second jump she did a flip!!! Crazy child.