So this afternoon, I receive an Outlook meeting request from Dan with the subject: Fire Drill tonight 7pm.

Apparently, he’s gone all ‘safety’ on us and decided that we should have an evacuation and fire plan. So tonight, after dinner, Dan proceeded to tell Olivia and I what to do in case there was a fire. Olivia was really into it and we practiced a few times running from our bedrooms, down the stairs and out the door with Olivia unlocking the door each time, and running to the safe zone, our mailbox. So that was tonight’s lesson, we even turned on the fire alarm so she could hear what it sounds like.

Tomorrow’s lesson, according to Dan, will be what to do if we can’t get to our front door. I think it’s so sweet of Dan to think of this and for him to take charge of it all….something about a man taking care of his family…hmmm, no complaints here!