As much as I hate going to bed early on a Saturday night and waisting precious evening hours to ‘play’ in my craft room, I am soooo tired. I woke up at 5:30am this morning to run a 10k at Bluemont Country Farms as part of their town festival. I went all by myself, none of my running buddies could go that morning, so I got myself out of bed and drove out to participate in the race. It was a lovely run on back country roads, running on dirt roads most of the way…past cows, farm land, just beautiful countryside. The only difficult part was that I got stung by a bee, of all things, right before the race started – right under my arm. Gives me chills just thinking about it because Man – did that HURT. Luckily there was a lady in the bathroom who worked in the farm store and gave me some mustard to take the sting away. Well that little ‘ole wives tail worked….remember that the next time. Also, I have a huge blister on my foot – no kidding, the size of Titanic. I just now figured out why I probably got one….I was walking through the grass in the morning before the start of the race and my shoes got wet…so I think my socks were wet which made them rub against my foot more than usual. Anyway, I was just proud of myself for doing it and my time was 1.07 minutes. Try as I might, I still can’t do a 10k under an hour….I’ll get there, someday.