that is what little girls are made of.
The little girl across the street came over to play with Olivia this week. Before I knew it they dragged a boat load of barbies, jewelry, and make-up outside to enjoy the sunshine. Hey if you’re going to do a bunch of ‘girl stuff’…you might as well sit on the side walk and enjoy the sun while you’re at it.
As I overheard their conversation I couldn’t help but laugh because apparently there was a huge party about to start in “barbiedom” … which involved a slew of decisions to be made about clothes, make-up, jewelry, songs they were going to sing when they got there! I’m glad to see that there were no Ken dolls invited…but perhaps that is because Mommy hasn’t bought any Ken dolls yet – no need to rush things!
As much as I said I was not going to encourage this kind of ‘girl’ stuff with my daughter…basic genetics took over and won. I definitely have a girly girly and you know what…that is just fine by me!
Of course, I’ll make sure that Olivia understands that this is all a mass-marketing ploy aimed specifically at unsuspecting girls her age to generate massive amounts of money (that hey less face, it employs people – which is a good thing!).
And as a side note, besides Cinderella in the picture below, the remaining barbies were all bought with pre-determined careers. I’ll have you know that Barbie #1 is a Doctor, #2 is a Vet and #3 is a bonifide Space Astronaut (hmm, I wonder what happened to her space suit?). So there!!