1. Thanks to Pioneer Woman I stumbled across a series of books called Value Tales.  Value Tales are books written about real life heros and the value that they displayed during their life.  For example:

The Value of Challenge.  the story about Terry Fox (the man who ran across Canada with an artifical leg); The Value of Love:  the story of Johnny Appleseed. The Value of Giving: the story of Bethoven.

They are well written – larger print (probably 3rd grade level) with lots of pictures!  I just love how each story is about a true life figure in history and how it ends with a ‘morale of the story’. 

So they are out of print, but a little searching on ebay scored me this whole set!  They are a bit expensive (I payed about $100 for all of these, but got free shippnig!).  Although you could pay as much as this through Amazon – DON”T…search ebay first!

Valuetale 25 Volume Set (Value Tales)

We started with the the Terry Fox book because that particular day, Olivia was having a little melt down because her zipper on her fuzzy pj’s was stuck – so I thought let’s read about the Value of a Challenge!  LOL