I can’t believe Olivia is 7 years old!  It sounds so cliche to say how time flies, but it is so so so true.  It is becoming more and more apparent that I better slow down and make sure I appreciate every little stage because before long, she will be grown up and on with her own life.  So in that attempt, here are seven observations about Olivia at this age.
1.  She adores reading!  I’m amazed at the progress she has made this year in her reading skills.  I can pretty much give her anything and she will read it with 90% accuracy.  If I ever wander where she’s at, 9 chances out of 10 I will find her sitting somewhere with a book propped up on her knees.  I’m so pleased with her love of reading … it will help her go far in the world. 
2.  Olivia is intense!  By that I mean, either she is intensely sweet and loving OR she is a little spit fire!  I’m embracing myself now for the inevitable mood swings this child will go through at 13 and no doubt her mother will be at the heart of it … it usually is, so I guess I look at this now as preparation of some sort.  On one hand I’m happy that she has a little spunk in her, that she speaks her mind, but it can be exhausting at times!  Although I’m sure my own mother will agree, I believe I was the same way as a child.
3.  She makes friends fairly easily, although she is the type of person who doesn’t do so immediately.  She needs to warm up to you and then once she does you’re her BFF forever … or her “life” friend, a term she heard from her friend Sadie.  She’s more of a one-on-one friend rather than needing to have a bunch of friends at the same time.  This, as well, is something I remember being myself.  I was much more happy and content with one or two at the max friends hanging out then I was in a big group.  Although observing Olivia in a group of friends, she tends to be a bit bossy …..
4.  She is a comedian!  Olivia is always trying to make you laugh.  She is a happy child and is really sort of goofy!  We joke that she dances like Elaine from Seinfeld.  She makes funny faces and noises to her friends to get them to laugh.  I love this about her and sometimes say I won’t be surprised if I see her on Saturday Night Live someday!
5. She is a Daddy’s Girl…hands down…and was from hour one!  They have a very special bond and I love seeing them together.  Yes, sometimes it makes me feel a little left out, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I think it is so important for a daughter to feel special and important in her Daddy’s eyes.  It does so many things for them as they grow up to be women.  It helps them determine how men should treat them and hopefully, provides a sort of measuring stick for the man that she will one day marry.
6. She is creative.  She loves to craft and draw.  Now I wouldn’t say she has any ‘special’ artistic ability, lol…but she is definitely creative.  Her new favorite thing is to take our trash in the office and make something out of it.  I love her imagination.
7. She is an independent child.  Olivia is open to new things and experiences.  It’s rare that she doesn’t want to try something new (now I’m not talking about food because she is a ‘bear’ in that department), but in regards to being introduced to new environments or new people she is always willing.  She does like to observe for a few minutes before racing into the fold, but I usually never have to push her into a new experience or to meet new people. 
All and all, I think Olivia is growing up to be a great kid!  Yes, of course, I’m biased…but I should be, right?!  There are things that Dan and I need to work with her on — two main things is listening and being more grateful.  As an only child, I admit, she is spoiled, but I refuse to raise a spoiled brat — -so I really need to help her to understand how lucky she is in her life and help instill the attitude of gratitude and helping others.  This is my goal for her next year!