I am a coffee lover! Up until recently, it was any type of coffee I loved. In my world, coffee was coffee … my only requirement was that it had to be HOT. No cold or warm coffee shall ever pass my lips.. so much that I have to zap my coffee in the microwave twice before it meets my standard.
Dan on the other hand would be considered a coffee connoisseur. He is a coffee snob and will only drink coffee if he makes it from his coffee press. None of this automatic coffee maker stuff mere mortals use every morning. This offered me great material to draw upon as I teased him with my heckles “My coffee is better than your coffee’ every morning. Until one day, he made me a cup using Dunkin Donuts coffee in his press. Hmmmm, well shall I say that I threw myself to his feet to beg his forgiveness (NOT), let’s just say, I like his coffee skills – a lot! I think I may go make myself one!