I have a love/hate relationship with dinner.  I love being able to sit down as a family and enjoy a nice meal.  The hate has to do with all the work and preparation that goes into the ‘before we can sit down together as a family and enjoy a nice meal” is what I dislike the most.  However, come to think of it, aren’t most things like that … hate the work that goes into what you want to enjoy?  Yep – so suck it up, right?

Well, yes, but I’m determined to find ways to make the preparation part easier … but beyond sitting together as a family and enjoying a nice meal … the MOST important aspect can be summed up by a quote I heard while looking at this woman’s blog, Dinner A Love Story … I quote,

“As a parent, my goal is to establish a dinner routine so that when my girls are older and full of teen angst, they’ll be able to meet me at the table.  Every night, no matter what.”

So I’m determined to find a way to fit regular dinner time into my small little family – in between working parents and a child that has many after school activities!  I was happy to see a Groupon coupon for this place …The Six O’Clock Scramble

My goal – to have a sit down dinner (planned and prepared for as much in advance as possible) four times a week (including weekends).