I can’t believe my baby girl is 9 years old!!

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I interviewed her … here are her answers:

  1.  How old are you?  9
  2. Who is your best friend?  Rosie, Lex, and Sadie
  3. What is your favorite thing to do?  Draw
  4. What is your favorite color?  Green
  5. What is your favorite food?  Mac and Cheese
  6. What do you like to do with your family?  Ask them questions because I always get an answer
  7. What is your favorite toy?  Big Bearie
  8. What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Scientist
  9. What makes you happy?  Spending time with my family
  10. What makes you sad?  When someone in my family goes away for a few days
  11. What is your favorite show to watch?  Gumball
  12. What is your favorite book?  Charlotte’s Web
  13. What do you love to learn about?  Science and magic
  14. What was the best part of your birthday?  Touring the Fire House and scavenger hunt (figuring out the clues)
  15. Where do you like to go?  Bahamas
  16. Who was your teacher?  Mrs. Kantor
  17. What is your favorite treat?  Lollipop
  18. What do you think about before you fall asleep?  How my day was and what my day will be like tomorrow
  19. If you could meet someone famous who would it be?  Celina Gomez and Albert Einstein
  20. What was your favorite birthday present?  American Girl, McKenna and loft bed