Olivia went to Girl Scout again this year.  We kind of forced her to go as she was not to keen on getting that close to the ‘biffy’ again this year … but in the end we knew she would have a great time and it’s an important part of growing up and becoming independent.  Both Dan and I went to sleep away camp when we were her age and we each have some of our fondest memories of childhood from camp experiences.  Here are pictures of packing everything up and dropping her off camp.  Her counselor’s name was Kiwi and her session was called Pajama Party!  I was surprised that they didn’t let the parents walk down to the cabins, after check in … Kiwi came and got her and off she went.  There were no tears, no long good byes, she was fine as she walked away.  Lucky for her she had several friends, including her BFF, Lex, going to the same camp – so that was awesome.

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We were so excited to pick Olivia up we were the first car in line waiting for the gates to open – yes we were those parents!  LOL  She was a hot sweaty mess when we picked her up, but that just means we knew she had a blast!  She was happy to see us!


2012 06 22