The morning was spent getting the lay of the land and getting things ready for the reminder of our trip. Oh and I forgot to mention that Olivia’s luggage didn’t make it with us to Grand Junction but luckily it was delivered to our hotel in the morning. We picked up our rental car and the. Went to the grocery store to buy some snacks and some lunches for the various hikes we planned to do while here. Finally around 12pm we headed into National Arches park after a quick trip to the visitor center.

Words or pictures don’t even come close to how beautiful this place is. So different from anything we are used to in Virgina. We rented a convertible so even though it was a but chilly we took the top off and cranked up the heat so we could enjoy the 360 degree view.

Our first hike we wanted to take was towards the end of the park called Devil’s Garden. It is the longest hike in the park over 7 miles depending in the various routes. So that was where we headed to start on our very first hike of our vacation. We had so much fun! The weather was so crazy. At first it was a little chilly, then we got a little hot during the hike and then at one point when we were on top of a huge rock it actually started to flurry!! Then as quickly as that snow moved in, it moved out and the sun was back to shining. Very odd!

Olivia is such an awesome hiker … the more difficult the route the better for her. She loves scurrying up the rocks and being the leader of our little hiking band. These pictures are just from our iPhones … When we get home I will share the ones I took with the real camera. So many beautiful pictures…a photographers dream!

You see the picture of the double O arch. We actually walked across that arch and ate on top of the rock. My heart was beating a million beats a minute because it was quite nerve racking being up that high.

The hike took us about 4 hours to complete and we were exhausted. Afterwards we headed into the tiny town if Moab to eat dinner and then head back to our hotel to call it a night. Awesome first day of vacay and I thank God that we were even able to make it here on time given the travel issues we had. I actually think we may have been the only family from that cancelled flight that actually made it to Moab!!