We have come to the realization that we are the happiest when we are on something moving! Be it plane train car bike horse dolphin Vespa – LOL. So today we decided to rent a Vespa for the day and explore the island. It was so much fun. It was so nice to be able to just go and explore and find different beaches. Dan was. Little nervous about me riding my own because in the past I always just rode in the back of his however this time Olivia took that space. So I got my own. I actually did just fine and got the hang of it pretty quickly. We had a blast!!
Highlights of the day:
– tennis in the morning while waiting for our Vespa’s to arrive
– Vespa lessons in the parking lot with dan being uber protective of me. Cute but ok honey I am not 12!
– the warm breeze cooling us off while riding and exploring the island
– lusting over the absolutely stunning houses or shall I say mansions. One sat on it’s very own island! Need to google what celebrities live on Turks
– breathtaking views of electric blue water
– first stop was to ocean Point/ Taylor Bay on Chalk Sound was so incredible!! You could walk for a mile and only be knee deep in the clearest water I have ever seen. It was like a giant bath tub or a kindle pool. It was amazing.
– lunch at Bugaloos. Such ambience. Right in the beach. View perfect. Reggae singer singing ganja is good – lol. They were cutting out conch down at the beach and frying it up to serve. Dan tried a raw one and said it tasted like salty gummy worm yuck! I had the best coconut shrimp ever. Olivia had a big fancy virgin strawberry danqaurie. Very nice lunch!!!
– next beach stop was Smith Reef for some snorkeling. Expansive coral reef. Very cool. Olivia has no fear she just does what she needs to do as the waters were a bit choppy but she said she liked it that way. Like a roller coaster. Made my stomach have butterfly’s worrying about her but she can definitely hold her own!
– back to the hotel to clean up for dinner
– we rode our Vespa’s to dinner at Hemingways. Dan was getting a kick of seeing me all dressed up in my sun dress riding a scooter!
– watched the sun set while eating dinner. Had to argue a bit to get a table in the deck with a view of the ocean. Although the people here are accommodating I wouldn’t call them friendly or nice. They are more neutral. Kind of like they had to put up with us – which probably us the case. Lol
– a Vespa ride at night trying to find a gas station a little scary but we survived. Thank God.