I recently attended a talk by Momastary founder Glennon Melton. I knew of the website and heard of her book, Carry On Warrior. The Power of Embracing Your messy Beautiful Life, before but never read her blog nor her book. Let me tell you I was missing out on something big and worthwhile! I enjoyed her talk so much and recently just finished the book. Hands down, one of the best books I ever read – so inspiring and so many nuggets of truth and meaning in it.
Some of my take-a-ways are:
- Amazing things happen when women stop and ‘fill-up’ together.
- Forced brokenness – rock bottom is the only trueful place to start.
- The only think you will really regret in your life is unkindness.
- Service is the only thing that gets you out of your own head.
- Truth telling is the key that unlocks people and you can meet them for the first time
- The most personal stuff is always the most universal
- No need to have a 5 year plan, just do the next right thing. If you keep doing this life turns out ok. It’s like driving with headlights, you only can see just a few feet in front of you … but it can take you all the way home that way.
- My job as a parent is not to protect my child from pain/hurt … but to help them endure the burn.
- The only meaningful thing we can offer one another is love. Not advice, not questions about our choices, not suggestions for the future, just love.