1. Timing is everything … hold your tongue until the time is right to bring up something or address a challenge.  You don’t need to react to everything – some things you can just let go unacknowledged.  It makes for a more peaceful day.

2. Just show up … showing up is a lost art and so easy to, well, not show up.  So many excuses …  I’m too tired, I don’t know anyone, I don’t have anything to wear, I don’t feel like it, I don’t know how … on and on we go.   You never know until you show up and if you don’t show up …. you go nowhere and going nowhere is basically one foot in the grave, in my opinion.

3. Stop fooling yourself that one little bite won’t hurt or one little taste won’t derail your healthy eating goals.  Yes, in fact, yes it will.  All those little ‘it won’t matter’ actions add up to one big matter and you never get anywhere … read #2 on where I said nowhere gets you.

4.  I would rather be busy than bored!  Boring is the kiss of death!

5.  It’s amazing what one can find in a Thrift Store!