I finally got tickets to go to the sunflower field at Burnside Farms.   They only release tickets a few days in advance for the following week.  It’s quite popular, so if you don’t jump on getting your tickets for the time/date you want immediately, they sell out fast.  Was thrilled that I got tickets during the weekend when Tammy and Carolyn visited.  It was a fun little activity and I loved taking everyone’s photo.  I took my DSL camera, but honestly I haven’t practiced with it much lately and didn’t want to fuss with it so took all pictures with my trusty iPhone – which did just fine.   Honestly, one day I would like to come to the sunflower field alone – no pressure from anyone to ‘move along’ or unwilling photo subjects to contend with – LOL.  I would take my time setting up my DSL camera and take the time to reacquaint myself with all the settings – alas some other time.  In the meantime, enjoy …