Do you remember your best friend when you were 6 year’s old? I think we all do … it’s the age where we experience our first true friendship, filled with new and very real emotions (especially true for little girls): love/hate/jealousy/competition/trust/joy/drama – did I mention drama?

Olivia’s BFF is Alexa (aka: Lex, Lexo, Lexer beaner, Lexeroo, etc..) They are attending summer camp together and having the best time. In fact, just the other day they came home with matching black eyes. Same eye, different days, and different incidents, but each inflicting the ‘weapon’ on each other that yielded the black eye – Lexo the ‘tent monster’ and Olivia ‘building a fairy house with a big stick’ – you get the picture. Besides black eyes, they are swimming, picnicking, going on field trips like: baseball games, bowling, Mt.Vernon, ice skating, roller skating, art, kick ball…and the list goes on with an extravaganza of summer activity!

My BFF at Olivia’s age was Christa DeFazio. Here’s a picture of us – me in pig tails and glasses. I was lucky enough that my BFF lived right next door! I have many many memories of Christa that once again includes the gamet of emotions, but mostly I remember having that BFF feeling … sharing secrets, crying, laughing, getting in trouble, imagination, tree houses, fights, sleep overs, sticking up for one another, jealousy, staring contests, overnight girl scout camp for the very first time, talent contests, Nicki and Poo Bear (our dogs – who were best, of course, BDFF)….. Christa and I just reconnected over Facebook – oh how I love Facebook for that very reason!!
I hope Olivia has many summers full of BFF feelings – it’s an essential part of growing up.

One day this week I brought Lex home with me and the girls had the best time. Eating snacks, writing letters to Nanny and Papa Honey, sunbathing, freezie pops, sprinkler, eating out hot dogs, playing barbies.