I just love this little dress from Chasing Fireflies http://www.chasing-fireflies.com/ ALthough I would never in a million years spend that kind of money on a dress that Olivia would grow out of in a year.
Although, I’m tempted to purchase this coat for next year now that’s it’s on sale. But $150.00 still seems like a lot of money to spend on a child’s coat!! I think I just like it because of that little flower pin on the lapel!
I wish I could re-decorate Olivia’s room. I’d get rid of those bunk beds and do this!
You know, I won’t have too much longer before she won’t want any of this cute little girl look. I think I better take advantage of it while I can. She already has a definite taste in clothes that I’m not winning these battles on everyday. For example, we picked out her clothes for school tomorrow since it’s no-uniform day. What did she pick? Well a black t-shirt with a picture of a pink skull on it with a crown. Okay, cute maybe for Halloween…buy everyday? Ugh, I should have removed that shirt from her closet before she even had a chance to pick it out. Why can’t she pick something out like this…well, I’m not giving up yet! I’m hoping I at least have a couple years left….but something tells me that I may be posting a similiar post as Stephanie very soon…http://fivezees.blogspot.com/